It's a boy! (Oh, and we're alive, too.)

This post is really one long apology. 

You see, if you’ve been reading this blog for some time, you may have noticed that the frequency of our blog posts has decreased in the past years. Well, "decreased" is a nice way of putting it. We hardly posted anything this year. We’re sorry. We did not die, or split up, or go on a hunger strike. But there’s a reason for the silence, and a change is coming.

What happened?

So, we were in California and Mexico in January 2017 - a week in LA (revisiting our favorites, like Bestia, Gjelina, Eggslut and others, and finding some new ones, like Baroo or Genwa, to mention just a few), a few days in San Francisco (with a great dinner at Benu and one of the best meals ever at Saison) and a week in Mexico City (mostly stuffing our faces with tacos al pastor and other delicious street food, and loving Contramar). We had a great time. 

So we come back, and suddenly, Zuzi has nausea, intertwined with cravings, followed by sickness. „Jan, how about burgers?“ (Zuzi never craves burgers.) „No, pizza. Wait. Pork belly. Did I mention burgers? Hey, actually, I don’t feel that well… …Burgers?“ Long story short, our little baby Jonas was born on October 4, just a month ago. He’s honestly the cutest and, in what seems to be the first son-on-father joke of his life, has already more hair than I do. Hey, enjoy it while it lasts, buddy. 

Anyway, that is why we have stopped posting: pregnancy has altered the way Zuzi tasted and appreciated different foods, and closed many options available before (so long, cocktail bars and Champagne!) and we simply focused on the process and on the baby actually being healthy before and after it was born.  

What is going to happen?

We will start writing again. We promise. That said, we may be looking for new ways of doing this. 

You see, to echo an unnamed US president, who knew parenting was so complicated? Honestly, being a food enthusiast with a baby is difficult, and requires planning. Once we get settled into our new role, we will start writing again. Maybe from a different angle. Maybe not. We’ll see. 

We also plan to travel with Jonas. (Just took his passport photos today, and it was fun.) We have already some trips planned, and may focus more on our travel writing, too. We probably won’t hit as many three-Michelin-star places as we did before, but hey, change is life. We see what happens as we go along. 

Can we make up?

We’re sorry we have been quiet for such a long time. We will start writing again, and revisiting some of the favourites might be a good start. Breakfasts? Coffee shops? We’ll do a roundup soon. We may also reflect our new experiences into our writing, and perhaps see things from a different angle from now on. As a little sampler, we give you...

Three first observations as Prague foodies with a baby:

We haven't been parents long, but here's our takeaway from the first five weeks:

  1. Baby Jonas loves cobblestones. Loves them. We haven't reached a stage where we'd ask ourselves, "Sure, nice restaurant, but is the street in front of it cobbled?", but we're not that far off.
  2. I have seen more ladies' bathrooms in the past five weeks than I did in my entire previous life. I am yet to see a changing table in a men's bathroom in Prague, which is a feat that seems to be uniquely sexist to both women and men.
  3. We're not keen on product endorsements, but our BabyZen Yoyo+ travel stroller is the best thing ever. We can sneak into the smallest of espresso bars and still fit in. Hey, we think we could even pass the legendary anti-stroller column in the door of The Barn coffee shop in Berlin with this thing.  

So that's that. Please stay tuned. We can sense a lot of fun ahead, and we will try to share it.

Zuzi, Jan, Jonas and everybody from Taste of Prague