Muj salek kavy

Hello everyone! It’s Sunday… our last posting day. We would love to thank you if you’ve been keeping up with all our tips, and hopefully you enjoyed some of them!

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! The lazy day! We are definitely Sunday people. It’s always our day off, and we love it because we never really have anything to do. The plan is always the same: have a tasty breakfast, followed by a super rich lunch, go for a walk, and have a cup of coffee in Můj šálek kávy, our favorite cafe.

We love to go to Můj šálek kávy on Sunday afternoons. The spot is super cool, and we usually just sit there, have either a flat white or some drip coffee, and chat about the last week/our plans for the upcoming one.


Můj šálek kávy is a cafe that belongs to a premium Czech roaster called Double Shot. They really take care of their coffee beans, which come all the way from Kenya, Ethiopia or Honduras, so their coffee is always a special treat. You can always enjoy it in many different ways, whether that be drip coffee, aero press, French press or even just a beautiful cappuccino or latte. They also serve a tasty breakfast or a number of smaller, lighter meals (which are all delicious).

Tomas and I love to come to Můj šálek kávy for the excellent quality of coffee and also for their amazing and friendly staff! 

 Go there and enjoy a drink as soon as you can. Cheers!