Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 12 - Jen of Dream Prague

It’s been a while since we last recorded an English podcast, but the wait is over. We did abandon the English podcast a bit simply because with the travel bans and the pandemic that had a devastating effect on world travel, we thought we’d take it all back home a bit and focus more on our local audience. But then again, we have made so many friends over the years when we ran our food tours, many of which were repeated travelers to Prague, that we thought we should record a few episodes again, just to keep in touch.

And we’re starting with Jen, the face behind the Dream Prague videos. Jen’s videos are easy to describe: as a US expat who’s lived in Prague for 8 years, she simply compares the Czech and US culture and the realities of every-day life on both sides of the ocean. Her videos are observational, super insightful and fun. Originally, her videos were targeted at new expats in Prague, making their lives a bit easier and the learning curve a bit shorter. But in the process, she’s built quite a following among the Czechs, too, who have found her videos fun and her angle an interesting take on all things Czech.

What is interesting is that our food tours really did the same thing: we were explaining the Czechs, their present, culture and every-day life to foreign visitors, mostly from the US, but through the lens of food and the food culture. So that is why we found Jen’s videos so refreshing - she does explain many of the things we explain on the tours, but while we did it as locals, she does it as an expat, and on rare occasions her take on things is a bit different than ours, simply due to the different backgrounds. So we just had to meet and chat to settle these things out, right?

Here’s a few topics we’re discussing:

  • When did she and her husband arrive in Prague and why?

  • What’s been the hardest thing to adjust to in Czechia?

  • What’s the one thing she misses the most from the US?

  • Would she ever consider getting Czech citizenship?

  • When did she decide to start recording YouTube videos and what was the original idea?

  • How does she tackle the problem of having two different audiences at the same time?

  • Is there anything she finds difficult explaining, either to her US audience when it comes to Czech reality, or vice versa?

  • Is having a YouTube channel like hers a viable business? Does it generate enough income? And how?

  • What does Jen eat when no-one’s looking?   

We hope you enjoy the show!

I hope you like the 12th episode of our English podcast! Please subscribe to get new episodes on this page, on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, and if you like it, please give us a five-star rating somewhere. Anywhere. Thank you again and see you the next time!