Breaking News: Our Christmas Vouchers are out!

So your partner has everything he or she may want, and you have nothing to buy them for Christmas? Wrong! They don’t have our amazing Christmas vouchers yet, do they? 

Our vouchers are a gift that keeps on giving - first, it’s a beautiful letter with a personalised thank you note that glorifies both the giftee and the giver. Second, it gives your loved one(s) access to a tour or an experience they will absolutely friggin’ love some time later on.

Also, giving a Taste of Prague experience makes you 40% more attractive, as conclusively proven in a recent survey conducted by the prestigious University of Our Moms.  

So how can you become Mr and/or Ms Perfect this Christmas and turn your Christmas experience to eleven? Here’s your options:

Prague Foodie Map

Our beautiful printed guide to all things Prague is the most affordable way to get your hands on some Taste of Prague magic. And if you live in Prague, we will be happy to write in a personal thank you note that the giftee will treasure for the rest of their life. (At least that’s how we imagine it.)

But joking aside, our Prague Foodie Map contains a lot of the know how and wisdom we share on our tours, but neatly wrapped in the format of a pocket-sized guide book. All our tips on Prague dining, drinking, shopping, living and much more…

Moravian Wine Tour

You know what’s better than spending four hours with us? Spending two days with us. Enter the Moravian Wine Tour - a great weekend in the company of our favorite Moravian winemakers making some of our favorite Moravian wine. The idea is simple: Jan gets a van and drives 8 lucky guests around his favorite Moravian spots and winemakers so that you get a feel for the area and its soul and spirit. We check in to Brno’s best hotel and have a great dinner in the city. (A taste of Brno’s amazing cocktail bar scene is entirely optional.) The next day, we chill and do a short Taste of Brno by Taste of Prague, and hit the D1 highway back to Prague before everybody else does.

Jan’s favorite tour in our portfolio is what memories are made of. And guess what? We have a voucher for that, too!

Prague tours

The bread and butter of our operation, and our occupation most of the days is our food tours in Prague. We have two: the Prague Foodie Tour is designed more for expats or visiting travellers who want to get a taste of what’s Prague all about. The Prague Dinner and Cocktail Tour is more for the locals or repeat travellers and uncovers the true hidden secret of Prague - its amazing cocktail scene.

You can get a voucher and decide on what precise tour you want to join and when later - they cost the same, so we’re flexible here. In any case, we guarantee loads of fun!

Our summer house in Bousov

Last but not least, you can rent our summer house in Bousov near Čáslav and Kutná Hora. The little house is located at what feels like the end of the world (it’s the end of the village, actually) by a small stream at the foot of a tiny hill. So you can get away from the civilisation while enjoying all its perks - the summer house has all the amenities and luxuries of a swanky city home (minibar!!!). A great place to read or write a book and forget about everything. 

Does it come as a voucher? You bet. 

Where to buy?

Easy. You go to our shop and start there. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Happy holidays y’all!